Jerusalem Rivers, through music and word is dedicated to helping believers understand the importance of the name YAHWEH that has been revealed in these last days. When Yahshua walked the earth, he said:

“For I say to you, from now on you will not see Me until you say, ‘Blessed is the one who comes in the name of YAHWEH.'”
(Matthew 23:39)

Do you know the name of the one true ELOHIM (God)? Believers of all the religions of the world, understand and call on the name of their deity, to distinguish their god from other gods. They call on that name unlike those of the Jewish faith who use titles like “Adonai” or “HaShem” – as replacements for the holy name – which they falsely believe (since the captivity) should not be uttered. Christians who use “Lord” and “God” are also using replacement titles for the true name that can denote any deity or person.

His name YAHWEH appears 6,823 times in the bible. Each time His name appears in the original Hebrew text as YHWH it was replaced by the translators with the title LORD. This was done because of the pagan belief that His name was too holy to pronounce. However YAHWEH wants us to know and call upon His name. By doing so, we can be sure that our prayers are directed to our YAHWEH.

YAHWEH wants his people to call on His name and to know His name. His name is YAHWEH and he declared his name in the days of Moses.

“ELOHIM also said to Moses, ‘Say to the Israelites, YAHWEH, the ELOHIM of your fathers — the ELOHIM of Abraham, the ELOHIM of Isaac and the ELOHIM of Jacob — has sent me to you. This is my name forever, the name you shall call me from generation to generation.”
(Exodus 3:15)

“Everyone who calls on the name YAHWEH shall be saved.”
(Romans 10:13)

There are several pronunciations for the name of God (ELOHIM). We use YAHWEH, which is the most well known pronunciation.. Other believers and scholars say “Yahveh” or “Yehovah.” Which ever pronunciation you choose, they all identify the one true Elohim – the ELOHIM of Abraham, Issac and Jacob.

Below is a video by Norman Willis where he examines the many pronunciations of the Name YAHWEH.

Below is a video created by Messianic teacher Michael Rood. It is an excellent presentation of the absolute importance of using YAHWEH. The true and holy name of God (ELOHIM). He also speaks about true worship of YAHWEH and the lies we have inherited from our fore fathers.