APOCALYPTIC HORSEMEN Through biblical prophecy, many believe that we are living in the last days. Slow down, look around, listen for the hoofbeat.
NEVER GO BACK TO EGYPT From the exodus story we must always remember that we were delivered by YAHWEH from bondage, however, we may still be in bondage to the things of the world. Heed this biblical warning to Never Go Back to Egypt.
YAHWEH Baruch haba b’shem YAHWEH. Blessed is HE who comes in the name of YAHWEH
ONE WAY YAHWEH A Messianic anthem – a prayer to be just one way, to keep our minds stayed on HIM.
NEHUSHTAN (the brass snake) The Biblical account of the brazen serpent, Nehushtan in Numbers 21:4-9, is a prophetic picture of the MESSIAH YAHSHUA who would come to redeem His people, if they would look at HIM for eternal life.